A smart account for high-interest saving. Make your saving goals a reality with 3.4% interest¹ on every dollar and flexible tools to grow your money, only with a Neo High-Interest Savings account. by Neo Financial
Signup Bonus:
Monthly Fee:
Interest Rate: 3.4% /
Annual Interest Rate:
Balance Transfer Intro:
Balance Transfer Regural:
Balance Transfer Into Fee:
Foreign Currency Conversion:
Balance Transfer Fee:
Dishonoured Payment Fee:
Transaction Fee:
Gender: Any Gender
Minimum Income:
Minimum Household Income:
Minimum Credit Score:
Country: Canada
Earn 3.4% interest¹: Watch your money grow with 3.4% interest¹ earned on every dollar. No minimum deposits, no monthly fees.
Plan ahead and reach your saving goals: Open up to 10 accounts for all your saving goals, customize account names and icons, and move your money between your accounts instantly.
See your progress: Track multiple savings goals at once in the Neo app and see your savings grow over time
Safe and secure with eligibility for CDIC deposit protection up to $100,000 across all your accounts